Ad Orbita's journey begins by pointing our mind toward the bind between soil below our feet and the stars above. Both of these things, and all between, are made of the same atoms born billions of years ago.
More powerful than that physical composition and that of all around us, however, is the force such atomic mass creates: gravity. Pulling on our planet, our flowers and our friends, gravity is universal, constant, and eternal. It creates a perpetual balance among all in the form of orbital movement — in outer space, in seasons on Earth, in celestial bodies and even within our own.
The Ad Orbita Tarot seeks insight into our placement along this perennial path, asking: Where am I now? Where might I go? Where among external forces is there room for growth within?
Our journey takes us from as close to home as the garden to an ocean away, then further out to things we can see and feel yet cannot touch: Stars/Distant Suns, Moons, Black Holes, Galaxies, and Planets.
Through both the telescope and the microscope, carbon-copied patterns appear. From a Nebula's flower petal-akin shape to tiny cells on a fern evoking celestial designs.
Where do we go from here? Tenets of ancient Tarot, blooms of botanicals, and outer space-bound intuition offer a path. Ad Orbita is the guide, yet we are the voyagers and the voyage is ours.
Ad Orbita's Major Arcana provides a welcome nexus between ancient Tarot as it was first conceived and our carrying of its torch. Cards such as The Star, The Moon, The World, et al. retain the space-minded intentions of old. Rather than still objects, however, we look to the motion of these elements, both as they relate to each other and how their orbital paths find balance on their own.
Known identities such as The Hermit, The Empress, The Magician, and The Fool connect floral meaning with sprawling, evolving fate. We find these figures asking similar questions we might ask of ourselves: Where do I go from here, given the mysteries between what one can see and what tragedies might befall oneself beyond the present?
All commonly accepted meanings for these cards hold true in the Ad Orbita Tarot, as well. While we explore an angle that is at times more resonant to today's point of view and more specific to the gardens and stars before us, there are traditional readings of empowerment, love, fear and ambition that remain eternal, both in the earliest form of Tarot and in the visionary world of Ad Orbita.
By connecting our intuition with the Ad Orbita Tarot, our orbital paths interact, as well. From the spirited creation of these cards to the interpretation of its readers, there is growth in that gravity, binding us in its balance or in the pursuit of such.
Where we seek balance within a star, in which the fire and light of two suns become one.
While our solar system contains a single Sun, distant space often contains systems with more than one. Due to the bending nature of light as it travels from lightyears away, these two or more Suns will appear to our eyes as one star.
Distance is a key element in how we see all things, whether it be Suns in the night sky or even Sunflowers that tower above us as we move closer to the stem. Ad Orbita's Wands explore the energy of disparate events that present themselves to us as one vision.
Where we look to the gravity of ocean waves that pull and rouse our own internal movement.
The Moon's gravitational pull on our planet is stronger than that of the Sun, as it is closer to us and our ocean tides, as well. The waves we're moved by, both literally and in spirit, are the result of these pulls interacting, in addition to many other factors.
Ad Orbita's Cups explore this realm as it relates to tides within us, be them emotional, stricken with inhibition, or unsure of our position among the toil. What if one need not be water to be inspired into action? The Moon has a pull on our bodies, too, even a slight lightening on the knees that can propel one forward.
Where we stem from the seasonal and botanical movement at our fingertips, the nearest connection to all things eternal.
Ad Orbita's Pentacles suit follows our seasonal, garden and nature orbits. In ways easy to be seen, these Earthbound changes present themselves all around us. Each day, week, month, and year is rife with the results of orbital movement stemming from the planet, the climate, the ecosystem, our own treatment of it, and so much more.
These plants are the tactile dreams come true, a world full of beauty and love that we can actually touch. From sowing seeds to harvest season, botanical truth connects what is inside to what is immediately without. Pentacles allows these plants to be our companions on Earth while also one with space.
Where we follow the orbit of celestial bodies, bringing the path of distant galaxies closer to home.
Celestial bodies we don't often see with bare eyes, or only see at timely moments between their orbit and ours, are best journeyed to via one's imagination. Our imagination is as vast as space, as ever-expanding, and it often even contains the most truth.
While not specific to experience or clarity, the world of distant galaxies and cosmic events still roil the inertia of our dreams. Like hopes and wishes, dreams and nightmares, the unseen, seemingly unreal, often provides the most poignant visions in our day. Ad Orbita's Swords treat these realms as something existing nearly as close to us as a morning's first bloom, or a thunderous swell upon the sea.